Outlook.exe - Office 2016 unter Windows7 - Permanently high CPU Load ( Memory switches from...

Diskutiere und helfe bei Outlook.exe - Office 2016 unter Windows7 - Permanently high CPU Load ( Memory switches from... im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Die outlook.exe Prozess takes a lot of memory and once reached a value of around 500MB there is a permanent switch, within seconds, from 400 to 600... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von RobertKellermann, 14. Oktober 2016.

  1. Outlook.exe - Office 2016 unter Windows7 - Permanently high CPU Load ( Memory switches from...

    Die outlook.exe Prozess takes a lot of memory and once reached a value of around 500MB there is a permanent switch, within seconds,

    from 400 to 600 and ....

    Moreover the CPU Load is permanently around 100%.

    As a side effect the process is crashing often.

    There is also a freeze of user interaction after the process was running for a while.

    After the crash there is a message that the information storage (*.ost) File is unavailable.

    When is compress the file it is fine, there may be some locks on the file.

    I would warmly appreciate to get help.

  2. RocknRolf Win User

    Access 365, W11 x64, Nicht genügend Systemressourcen

    Natürlich hat jeder Benutzer sein eigenes Frontend. Wie sollte es sonst gehen?
    <br />Ich habe allerdings im normalen Betrieb mit den Unterformularen ca. 20 - 30 Forms aktiv. Man kann mit dem Memory-Tool von Karl schön beobachten, wie da das Memory in den Keller geht. Mit dem LAA Switch reichen die Ressourcen aus.
    <br />Viele Grüße
    <br />Rolf
    <br />
  3. RocknRolf Win User

    Access 365, W11 x64, Nicht genügend Systemressourcen

    Die Lösung von Karl Donaubauer scheint zu funktionieren. Die Abhilfe für das Problem mit dem Virtual Memory ist das Umsetzen des LAA-Switches, wie er es in seiner Videoanleitung beschreibt.
    <br />Viele Grüße
    <br />Rolf
    <br />
  4. Carsten S. 1981 Win User

    Visio Vorlagen werden aus dem falschen Verzeichnis geladen.

  5. Diane Poremsky MVP Win User

    Outlook-Kalender - Änderungen am schreibgeschützten Ordner nicht möglich


    So I deleted all test contacts from my Outlook (desktop version). They then disappeared from the calendar (see screenshot). They are also no longer visible in the web version.


    This is correct behavior because the event is linked to the contact.

    >> But I still get the memories every single day!

    This shouldn't be happening. Did you try restarting outlook using the cleanreminders switch?

    Close Outlook and reopen it using the /cleanreminders switch. To do this, press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog. type or paste the following into the Open field and press Enter or click OK to restart Outlook. (there is a space before /)

    outlook.exe /cleanreminders

    This switch is safe to use, it just clears and rebuilds the hidden reminders folders.
  6. ThomasHoenicke Win User

    Outlook for Mac 365

    Hallo, ich habe das gefunden:



  7. User Advert


    willkommen im Windows Forum!

Outlook.exe - Office 2016 unter Windows7 - Permanently high CPU Load ( Memory switches from... - Microsoft Office

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