#Value error INDEX MATCH multiple search with rows and columns

Diskutiere und helfe bei #Value error INDEX MATCH multiple search with rows and columns im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Good day, dear all, I am struggling to understand why my formula is not working. Tried using CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER but it still doesn't work.... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von SHE Olga, 14. Juni 2019.

  1. SHE Olga
    SHE Olga Gast

    #Value error INDEX MATCH multiple search with rows and columns

    Good day, dear all,

    I am struggling to understand why my formula is not working. Tried using CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER but it still doesn't work.

    {=INDEX('FIN SERV'!$CQ7:$EY60;MATCH(P$5;'FIN SERV'!$CQ$6:$EY$6;0);MATCH($C49;'FIN SERV'!CP7:CP60;0);0)}

    I need to pull the data from worksheet 'FIN SERV' to new worksheet based on two criterias: row with crietria (P5) looks up in the row CQ6:EY6. and column with criteria C49 that looks up in column CP.

    By evaulating the formula it shows rows and column as 1 (TRUE) but final evaluation is #Value error even with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER.



    I would be very gratefull if Excel guru could help me ^^

    Thank you!
  2. Claus Busch Win User

    #Value error INDEX MATCH multiple search with rows and columns

    Hallo Olga,

    die Index-Formel lautet:

    =INDEX(Bereich, Zeile, Spalte)

    Das bedeutet, dass du einfach nur die Argumente tauschen musst und das letzte (überflüssige) Argument (0) weglassen musst:

    =INDEX('FIN SERV'!$CQ7:$EY60,MATCH($C49,'FIN SERV'!CP7:CP60,0),MATCH(P$5,'FIN SERV'!$CQ$6:$EY$6,0))

    Beachte auch die Trennzeichen. Sie sind im englischen System Kommas.

    P.S.: Hier ist das deutsche Excel-Forum. Wenn du unbedingt in Englisch schreiben möchtest, scrolle auf dieser Seite ganz nach unten und stelle dort die Sprache um.

  3. SHE Olga Win User

    #Value error INDEX MATCH multiple search with rows and columns

    Hallo Claus! Vielen lieben Dank! :))
  4. Claus B. Win User

    Index - Vergleich - WennNV in Vba

    Hallo Geoff,
    <br />probiere es mal mit:
    <br />sh.Range("G" & last_row +1).Formula="=IFNA(INDEX(Datenbank!K:K,MATCH(Kurzzeitnutzung!B2,Datenbank!D:D,0)),"""")"
    <br />Wenn du Werte einfügen willst, musst du das Ganze dann zu Werten wandeln:
    <br />With sh.Range("G" & last_row + 1)
    <br /> .Formula="=IFNA(INDEX(Datenbank!K:K,MATCH(Kurzzeitnutzung!B2,Datenbank!D:D,0)),"""")"
    <br /> .value=.value
    <br />end with
    <br />Claus
    <br />
  5. Andreas Killer Win User

    how to User Index, Match or VLOOKUP or even HLOOKUP in merged Cells

    i need to get the Highest Scores from Cell BB6 to BD27 which are merged , and after achieving the result i need that how many Balls have been Played to reach this Score , and then if Possible to get the Player Name , can any One help
    At first this is the German forum, the English one is here:


    You missed to specifiy the search criterium for MATCH.

    If you have merged cells you have to change the selected cell references to the first column:

    G73: =INDEX(AZ6:AZ27,MATCH(F73,BB6:BB27,0))

    So the player name is in the same row:

    I73: =INDEX(E6:E27,MATCH(F73,BB6:BB27,0))

  6. Claus Busch Win User

    Please help me with setting up a tool to analyze a food frequency questioner

    Hi Julian,

    try it with a Pivot table.

    Drag Date and Food to the rows and the portions to the value and group the date by month and year.

  7. User Advert


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#Value error INDEX MATCH multiple search with rows and columns - Microsoft Office

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