Why do additional empty rows appear between newly inserted data when retrieving data?

Diskutiere und helfe bei Why do additional empty rows appear between newly inserted data when retrieving data? im Bereich Probleme und Lösungen im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; When data from several files in a folder are imported and combined into one Excel file via the “Get data” command, such as names of individuals, the... Dieses Thema im Forum "Probleme und Lösungen" wurde erstellt von Aldin_a, 22. Mai 2024.

  1. Aldin_a
    Aldin_a Gast

    Why do additional empty rows appear between newly inserted data when retrieving data?

    When data from several files in a folder are imported and combined into one Excel file via the “Get data” command, such as names of individuals, the names in the Excel sheet are displayed with a gap of 5 or rows between each name, instead of being listed consecutively as they are in the source file. Although it's possible to adjust this by manually changing the order of the names, I would like to know if there's a way to prevent this from happening in the first place.
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Why do additional empty rows appear between newly inserted data when retrieving data? - Probleme und Lösungen

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Why do additional empty rows appear between newly inserted data when retrieving data? - Similar Threads - Why additional empty

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Why do additional empty rows appear between newly inserted data when retrieving data?

Why do additional empty rows appear between newly inserted data when retrieving data?: When data from several files in a folder are imported and combined into one Excel file via the “Get data” command, such as names of individuals, the names in the Excel sheet are displayed with a...
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Why do additional empty rows appear between newly inserted data when retrieving data?

Why do additional empty rows appear between newly inserted data when retrieving data?: When data from several files in a folder are imported and combined into one Excel file via the “Get data” command, such as names of individuals, the names in the Excel sheet are displayed with a...
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Why do additional empty rows appear between newly inserted data when retrieving data? solved
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