Access to an e-mail account

Diskutiere und helfe bei Access to an e-mail account im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hello,I have created an account over I have not setup a secondary e-mail nor a mobile number yet, as I was in a hurry setting it up. I... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von Thomas Ried, 27. August 2022.

  1. Access to an e-mail account

    Hello,I have created an account over I have not setup a secondary e-mail nor a mobile number yet, as I was in a hurry setting it up. I have also not used this e-mail address, but want to use it now - but now it I cannot login anymore, as it is locked due to too many false logins.By resetting the password, I am constantly getting the e-mail back stating that I cannot provide enough pieces of information to reset it. Reason for is, that I have not sent an e-mail yet.So my question is: how can I gain access to my e-mail address again? I only need to unlock the account. I already wait
  2. Raymond Kalaiyo Win User

    Access to an e-mail account

    Hello Thomas R,
    <br />Welcome to Microsoft Community.
    <br />I am a Microsoft user just like you. I hope you are doing well?
    <br />I understand you are unable to recover access your account due to the fact that you have not added your phone number or alternative email.
    <br />I am sorry about that. It is always important to add these information to your account upon signing up as they can be helpful in recovery.
    <br />At this point, I will recommend you reach out to Microsoft support via live chat for assistance.
    <br />Kindly go to Microsoft Contact Us website:
    <br />1. Type the issue and click Get Help.
    <br />2. Click Login and Contact Support at the bottom of the page.
    <br />3. Log in with your Microsoft account.
    <br />4. Make appropriate selections
    <br />5. Click "Chat with a support agent".
    <br />Once you get connected, please request to be transferred to Tier-1 support.
    <br />Please try these steps I have provided and let me know if you need more assistance.
    <br />Give back to the Community, Help the next person who has this issue by indicating if this reply solved your problem. Click Yes or No below.
    <br />Warm Regards
    <br />
  3. MichaelRanftelhuber Win User

    outlook always says send on behalf

    Hi everyone,

    I figured it out.

    The problem was not related to outlook, but to googlemail. Got to:

    Settings -> Accounts -> "Send as" (section)

    There you can set e-mail addresses other than the account e-mail address as default e-mail address. This was the case for me, which resulted in the described "on behalf of" instead of "as" problems.


  4. Markus Wenger Win User

    wiederverbinden danach keine Kontakte und kein Kalender mehr

    Hello Agnethe

    Of course,

    Since I have a separate domain with e-mail, the account is not my main and not my only account.
    So I had to perform step 2 in the tutorial.

    I have the IMAP mail accounts re-set up.

    So now I am back on the green field and can try to set up the account.

    How do I add the account via "e-mail account" or via "manual configuration or additional service types"?

    I have log myself correctly.

    The direct way "e-mail account" does not go my e-mail address is ***** is and no @ address.
    My account with Microsoft is my e-mail address *****

    Therefore, somehow simply can not work.


    Greetings Markus
  5. Dennis Linke Win User

    Outlook Connector syncronisiert seit gestern keine Kalendereinträge - Keine Verbindung?

    Also bei mir steht "Outlook-Mail" und ich abe auch eine Mail bekommen, dass ich auf migriert wurde. Seitdem klappt es ja nicht mehr. :)

    Aber was mich eher etwas nervt. Es gibt extra eine Anleitung

    Die fragt sogar noch, was ich für eine Outlook-Version habe:

    und meint, Using a supported version gives you full access to your Microsoft personal email account, which includes access to your email, calendar, and contacts.
    Und das tue ich.

    Aber wenn ich die Anleitung für die Einbindung bei einer supportetn Version folge:

    Dann kommt da nur die Einbindung des Mail-Kontos.

    Aber wie kommt nun der Kalender und meine Kontakte wieder ins Outlook (2010)?

    ...und nein, auf dem Client kommt kein Outlook-Update auf 2013 in Frage. Wie gesagt, bei meinem anderen Client, mit dem ich mit Outlook 2016 zugreife klappt alles.
  6. Christian Göller Win User

    Outlook 2013: Antwortadresse permanent ändern

  7. User Advert


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Access to an e-mail account - Microsoft Office

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Access to an e-mail account solved
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