Astro Wars 80's Retro Tabletop Classic

Diskutiere und helfe bei Astro Wars 80's Retro Tabletop Classic im Bereich Spiele im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Astro Wars 80's Retro Tabletop Classic [IMG] Beats N Bobs are proud to release our most eagerly anticipated and requested video game emulation for... Dieses Thema im Forum "Spiele" wurde erstellt von WindowsPhone, 9. März 2015.

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    Astro Wars 80's Retro Tabletop Classic

    Astro Wars 80's Retro Tabletop Classic
    [​IMG] Beats N Bobs are proud to release our most eagerly anticipated and requested video game emulation for Windows Phone, Astro Wars.
    Visit for more apps and information.

    Travel back to the 80's and this was THE video game to have in the home. It was one of the most advanced video games of the time with four sub games, coloured fluorescent display and a joystick only seen in the arcades. You could finally have your very own arcade machine in your home.

    TO PLAY:
    Turn Power ON (menu will disappear and intro music will play).
    Select Level (Graphics will resemble difficulty level).
    Press Start (Gameplay will begin after intro music).
    Fire at all enemies while dodging enemy fire on all phases of attack.
    If you survive three attack waves,you get the chance for more points if you can dock your rocket-ship.
    Press fire, left and right for thrusts to land rocket ship.
    Game is complete when you reach 9999 points or you lose all your lives.
    To restart, turn off and on Power.

    We have painstakingly analysed every detail of this game and we have managed to achieve 99% of the original. We had to modify the controls as it simply does not work as well on an phone so you now have extra large arrow keys but we have left the joystick in for the purists out there (which you can try to use but we recommend the larger arrow keys). All the sound effects are here. All four phases including the docking sequence. We compared this to two real machines as these also vary with slight details and we are very pleased with the results. We hope you will be too. If you find anything that does not feel quite right let us know from the app. Enjoy this blast from the past and if you like this why not look at our others.

    More information about this classic game on Wikipedia:
    Adding website information and support email

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Astro Wars 80's Retro Tabletop Classic solved
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