Battery from Surface Laptop Go

Diskutiere und helfe bei Battery from Surface Laptop Go im Bereich Surface im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hello dear community. I wonder if it is normal that I have to shoot my charging cable after just 1 1/2 to 2 hours during a video conference after... Dieses Thema im Forum "Surface" wurde erstellt von OskarS1, 12. Februar 2021.

  1. OskarS1
    OskarS1 Gast

    Battery from Surface Laptop Go

    Hello dear community.

    I wonder if it is normal that I have to shoot my charging cable after just 1 1/2 to 2 hours during a video conference after full charge. Finally, the laptop was advertised to me as one with a particularly long battery life.

    Would it be possible that the battery is not okay? I think I've never been able to get more than 6 hours of battery life out.

    Programs I use often at the same time are: Discord, Chrome, Anki, Spotify, Notion.

    Should I in case you think this data would be normal leave my laptop plugged in, or load it cyclically to conserve battery life?

    LG Oskar
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