Calulated Columns - Formel wird nicht akzepiert: The formula contains a syntax error or is...

Diskutiere und helfe bei Calulated Columns - Formel wird nicht akzepiert: The formula contains a syntax error or is... im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hallo, ich habe eine Spalte Textzeile und eine kalkulierte Spalte auch Textzeile.Wenn ich in der Formel =[Transport-Status]&" test"eingebe, wird diese... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von Siegfried Stolz, 2. Dezember 2021.

  1. Calulated Columns - Formel wird nicht akzepiert: The formula contains a syntax error or is...

    Hallo, ich habe eine Spalte Textzeile und eine kalkulierte Spalte auch Textzeile.Wenn ich in der Formel =[Transport-Status]&" test"eingebe, wird diese von Sharepoint akzeptiert.Nun möchte ich aber ein Bedingung einbauen, mit IF.Beispiel: =IF[Transport-Status]="","A","B"Dann kommt der Fehler "The formula contains a syntax error or is not supported".Die Formel entspricht meines Erachtens der von MS vorgegeben Syntax. Warum funktioniert das nicht?
  2. Holger Schulz Win User

    Calulated Columns - Formel wird nicht akzepiert: The formula contains a syntax error or is not supported

    <br />ersetze in der Formel die Komma durch Semikolon (;).
    <br />Viele Grüße
    <br />
    <br />
  3. Siegfried Stolz Win User

    Calulated Columns - Formel wird nicht akzepiert: The formula contains a syntax error or is not supported

  4. D.Ritter Win User

    Formelfelder in Word für Mac - mehrfach vertikal verschobene Formeldarstellung

    Hi Mr. Korchok,

    thank You for your answer. I try a translation of the problem.

    If I open a word-file which includes a lot of equation fields the mathematic formula in these fields are not readable. The reason for this is that the formula are shown more often above each other in one raw. It seams that the formula are moved vertically
    in steps to the top of the raw and all the steps are shown. A picture would show the situation very easily. So the formula is not readable. If I click with the mouse inside the raw - not in the field - and press the space-button once, all the formula in the
    raw are shown correctly. If I slide the page outside the screen and then back, the formula is unreadable like before. By making a space once in the raw the formula is shown correctly again. The Problem is never shown if I print the file on paper or save it
    in an pdf-file.

    Do You have an idea how I could fix this problem?

    Thank You. Yours Ritter
  5. Minhokiller Win User

    Zelle formatieren

    Large is another formula that looks for the highest value in a range.

    The correct one is =UPPER
  6. Andreas Killer Win User

    VBA Formeln per Makro in Zellen schreiben

    Nee, das geht so nicht. A) muss jedes " verdoppelt werden, weil " ist in VBA ein reserviertes Zeichen und B) musst Du FormulaLocal statt der FormulaR1C1Local nehmen.

    Und mit ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10) würde ich niemals arbeiten, weil dann landet die Formel je nach aktueller Zelle irgendwo.

    Schau Dir das Beispiel unten mal an und versuche es nach dem Schema nachzubauen.


    Sub Example_HowToCreateAFormulaWithVBA()
     'Copy the formula from Excel as is
     ' =INDEX(C1:C2,MATCH($A$1,B1:B2,0))&"Whatever"
     'double each " sign inside:
     ' =INDEX(C1:C2,MATCH($A$1,B1:B2,0))&""Whatever""
     'surround the whole formula with " signs
     ' "=INDEX(C1:C2,MATCH($A$1,B1:B2,0))&""Whatever"""
     'Replace the cell references with a "placeholder" (any unique string that you like and doesn't exists elsewhere)
     ' "=INDEX(#C#,MATCH(#A#,#B#,0))&""Whatever"""
     'and assign to a string:
     Dim MyDefFormula As String
     MyDefFormula = "=INDEX(#C#,MATCH(#A#,#B#,0))&""Whatever"""
     'Now create the Range objects and refer to the real cells
     Dim a As Range, b As Range, c As Range
     Set a = Range("A1") 'A single cell
     Set b = Range("B2:B50") 'Multiple cells
     Set c = Range("C2", Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) 'From C2 to last used cell in column C
     ' You can refer to cells in an other sheet (note the dot in front of Range!):
     'With Worksheets("That")
     ' Set C = .Range("C2", .Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
     'End With
     ' Or other already opened files:
     'With Workbooks("This.xlsx").Worksheets("That")
     ' Set C = .Range("C2", .Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
     'End With
     'Make a copy of your default formula into a work string
     Dim MyFormula As String
     MyFormula = MyDefFormula
     'Replace the placeholders with the cell references
     MyFormula = Replace(MyFormula, "#A#", a.Address)
     ' The first arguments of Range.Address controls where the $ appears in the formula
     MyFormula = Replace(MyFormula, "#B#", b.Address(0, 0))
     ' The part 'External:=True' is necessary if you refer to other sheets or files
     ' But it works also if the reference is in the active sheet
     MyFormula = Replace(MyFormula, "#C#", c.Address(External:=True))
     'Write the formula into the cell
     Range("A2").Formula = MyFormula
     ' If your locale language is not English you can use the FormulaLocal property instead
     ' But in this case the code works only on PCs with your locale settings
     'Range("A2").FormulaLocal = MyFormula
     ' If you want to create array formulas use the FormulaArray property
     ' But in this case use must use English formulas, a FormulaArrayLocale doesn't exists
     'Range("A2:A10").FormulaArray = MyFormula
    End Sub
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Calulated Columns - Formel wird nicht akzepiert: The formula contains a syntax error or is... - Microsoft Office

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