Cannot login into Microsoft Tech community after switch from Office 365 network on Yammer

Diskutiere und helfe bei Cannot login into Microsoft Tech community after switch from Office 365 network on Yammer im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Since the move from the Office 365 Network on Yammer to the Microsoft Tech community, i cannot use my microsoft account to login to the community.... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von Spille, 24. Oktober 2016.

  1. Spille
    Spille Gast

    Cannot login into Microsoft Tech community after switch from Office 365 network on Yammer

    Since the move from the Office 365 Network on Yammer to the Microsoft Tech community, i cannot use my microsoft account to login to the community.

    I'm redirected to

    and get

    HTTP Status 500 -

    type Status report


    description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.

    however this happens only for the Microsoft tech community. I can access MSDN and my MSDN account with the same microsoft account which make this problems on Tech community.
  2. Wolf Spohr Win User

    Nach Erledigung eine To-Do Aufgabe möchte ich eine Nachricht auf Yammer posten

  3. Jason (Office Engine Win User


    Hello Heinz,

    What is the error you are getting when you try to upload the video into Sway? It's possible that you are running into a network timeout - if the size of the video plus your current network speed causes it to take to long, it will fail. If you are on a
    wireless network, you could try using a wired one. Some people have also had better luck uploading the video to OneDrive first and then inserting it from OneDrive from within Sway.

    Hope this helps!

  4. HeinzStieger Win User


    Hello Heinz,

    What is the error you are getting when you try to upload the video into Sway? It's possible that you are running into a network timeout - if the size of the video plus your current network speed causes it to take to long, it will fail. If you are on a
    wireless network, you could try using a wired one. Some people have also had better luck uploading the video to OneDrive first and then inserting it from OneDrive from within Sway.

    Hope this helps!

    Thank you for your answer. The problem is not the timout. Becouse in earlier session it worked well. But with OneDrive it
    works well. So it seems that OneDrive as source for SWAY is best solution. Thank you!
  5. Thundermann Win User

    Onenote: Fehler beim Synchronisieren MacOS 0xE4020045

  6. Wolf Spohr Win User

    Yammer - Bild ob ändern

    Guten Morgen,
    Bitte stelle Deine frage hier:
    Yammer - Microsoft Community Hub
    Yammer hat ein eigenes Forum.
    Mit freundlichem Gruß
    Wolf Fabian Spohr
    Microsoft Office 365 Business Support Engineer
  7. User Advert


    willkommen im Windows Forum!

Cannot login into Microsoft Tech community after switch from Office 365 network on Yammer - Microsoft Office

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Cannot login into Microsoft Tech community after switch from Office 365 network on Yammer solved
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