Cannot send messages from Outlookl.

Diskutiere und helfe bei Cannot send messages from Outlookl. im Bereich im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; When sending an E-Mail on my account, the Outlook app closes and restarts and the message disappears. It is not visible in the outbox folder. Dieses Thema im Forum "" wurde erstellt von Ralf Goehler, 21. November 2023.

  1. Cannot send messages from Outlookl.

    When sending an E-Mail on my account, the Outlook app closes and restarts and the message disappears. It is not visible in the outbox folder.
  2. Wolferl85 Win User

    Mails von Yahoo Mail Pro werden nicht weitergeleitet, Anmeldedaten angeblich falsch

    Hi Neil,
    <br />The error - message is:
    <br />Microsoft Outlook cannot be started. The Outlook window cannot be opened. This Folder - group cannot be opened.
    <br />An unexpected error occured.
    <br />
  3. Sebastian TC Win User

    Kein Zugriff auf Shared Mailbox via OWA

    Got it. There were some plugins missing on my machine to execute the comands.

    The private message seems broken. I get a

    We are sorry...

    The page you requested is not available at this time.

    message when I try to open it. Can you send me a private message again?

    I dont find a way to send one to you.

    Looking forward hearing from you.

    Best regards,

  4. Paul_AT-8141 Win User

    Fehler 0x80200049 bei Outlook Nachrichtenübermittlung von Microsoft Office 365 .net Konto und Konto

    Hi Ankita,

    pls. find attached the screenshot from this problem “Error_Fehler 0x80200049.docx”.

    I also did a diagnostic log but there is no possibility to send them here?

    Additionally I sometimes get the error message 0x800CCC1A – when performing task
    L: *** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen entfernt. ***. “Server does not support used type of encryption connection key.” But this comes only sporadic – see attached file “Error messages Outlook.jpg”.

    If German support is possible, I would like to change to that.

    Office 365 Business account

    When I send an e-mail from my office 365 online account, no error messages occurs.

    Regs. Paul
  5. Diane Poremsky MVP Win User

    Forwarding an email removes original sender's email address, only name remains

    Hi Marc,

    Can you post a screenshot of what you see in regular and safe mode?

    Forwarding inline should have the message header - like this. Your name is the sender - to keep the original sender in the From field you need to attach it or redirect.


    From: name <address>

    Sent: <date>

    To: name <address>

    Subject: <subject>
  6. TamiAckermann Win User

    E-Mail mit Anhang / PDF /jpg/ kann nicht gesendet werden

    Hallo Efren,

    danke für die Antwort. Ich kann jetzt nichts mehr senden und bekommen folgenden Antwort.

    Hello Tami xxxxxx,

    To continue sending messages, please sign in and validate your account.

    This helps us stop automated programs from sending junk email.

    Thanks for your help and patience!

    Ich sende alles über Outlook vom Handy / Tablet oder Computer.
  7. User Advert


    willkommen im Windows Forum!

Cannot send messages from Outlookl. -

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Cannot send messages from Outlookl. - Similar Threads - Cannot send messages

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Cannot send messages from Outlookl. solved
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