Can't get a single Outlook Mail Account (former Windows Live account) to work on iOS and...

Diskutiere und helfe bei Can't get a single Outlook Mail Account (former Windows Live account) to work on iOS and... im Bereich im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Mein Primär-Account, von dem ich grade poste, läßt sich in keinem iOS oder MacOS (OSX) einrichten; mit Ausnahme von Apple Mail auf iOS,... Dieses Thema im Forum "" wurde erstellt von BjörnSchmitz, 11. Dezember 2017.

  1. Can't get a single Outlook Mail Account (former Windows Live account) to work on iOS and...

    Mein Primär-Account, von dem ich grade poste, läßt sich in keinem iOS oder MacOS (OSX) einrichten; mit Ausnahme von Apple Mail auf iOS, merkwürdigerweise.

    Meine zwei anderen Accounts, einer für den semi-privaten Bereich und einer fürs Online-Shopping, lassen sich hingegen in allen Clients auf Apple Geräten nutzen.

    Ich gehe stark davon aus das es ein MS-seitiges Problem ist da seit etwa Mitte des Jahres nach und nach Services nicht mehr nutzbar waren. Von Office und mehreren Groove Abos bis hin zu Xbox-Live und GamePass ist (oder war) nur noch Email für mich nutzbar. Bin schon gespannt wie lange ich meine etwa 40 bezahlten Xbox Spiele noch spielen kann aber das ist ein anderes Thema...

    Der Wechsel zu den Apple Geräten kam nach Jahren des "Stange-Halten" wie sie nur ein Fanboy halten kann weil weder meine MS-Telefone zuverlässig länger als ein halbes Jahr funktionierten und ich auf meinen produktiv Desktops und Laptops im Beruf und Freizeit keinen MS Dienst mehr ordentlich nutzen kann und ich privat außer der GUI von Windows keinen sonstigen Mehrwert hat.

    Aus Bequemlichkeit und ein wenig Nostalgie würde ich die betroffene Emailadresse gerne weiternutzen anstatt hier die letzte Verbindung in das Ökosystem Microsoft auf den DailyRunners zu kappen, allerdings bin ich inzwischen so enttäuscht und wütend das nun meine Hoffnung in die Community setze von denen jemand eventuell ähnliche Erfahrung bezüglich "Email" hatte statt mich vom offiziellen Support ignorieren zu lassen.
  2. Vlado_D Win User

    Can't get a single Outlook Mail Account (former Windows Live account) to work on iOS and OSX 10.13.2 (and earlier)

    Hallo BjörnSchmitz,

    damit Dir weitergeholfen werden kann, solltest Du mir noch einige Informationen angeben.

    Du schreibst, dass das Primäre Konto (Primärer Alias?) sich nicht in Apple Geräte einpflegen lässt außder Mail auf iOS.

    Wie versuchst Du das Primäre Konto zu nutzen?

    Hast Du den Primären Alias bereits gewechselt?

    Was versuchst Du gelöst zu bekommen?

    Welche Geräte nutzt Du?

    Wo lässt sich das Primäre Konto nicht einbinden (Apps und Geräte)?

    Vielen Dank für die Information.

    Freundliche Grüße

  3. Diane Poremsky MVP ( Win User

    In Outlook fehlen Termine

    >> I logged on to Outlook Live through my regular Microsoft account, using an email address that is neither a Hotmail nor an address. But when I am logged on to Outlook Live, it does show an address,
    <br /><<
    <br />Is the address outlook_long number@outlook ? That address is not routable - and it's because you have a non-Microsoft address set as primary on your Microsoft account.
    <br />Microsoft has more information in this article: email account appears as "outlook_[long series of letters and numbers]" in Outlook for Windows
    <br />To add the account to Outlook desktop as an Exchange account, you need to sign in using an alias. You can add one at, if you don't have one on the account already.
    <br />
  4. V. Arya Win User

    Open .one file in OneNote with Microsoft 365 subscription?


    I am , Independent Advisor, to work with you on this issue. You should create a new notebook in Onenote online and copy the sections there from these .one files (on a Windows computer). Then you can access these onenotes from your Mac also


    if I could - instead of installing Win 10 and OneNote 2016 - just subscribe to Microsoft 365 to get access to my old OneNote files on my MAC? - This won't work.
  5. Gerardvan Reekum Win User

    Import von Outlook-Kontaktdaten in Windows-Live

    Hello Robert ~

    Sorry to come in English. I'm Dutch and can understand German, but I'm afraid I would make too many mistakes when I address you in your own language. Hope this is OK.

    I have the same problem as the first person in this thread. I just bought a Samsung Omnia7 phone, this is a Windows7 Phone, that uses Windows Live to store the calendar and contacts. Obviously I would like this to sync with my Outlook 2003 destop, which
    can be done through Microsoft Office Outlook Connector. Works fine for the calendar, but there is a problem with transferring my 870 contacts to Windows Live.

    The .CSV transfer is refused by Windows Live, indeed it tells me that the file is empty (which it verifiably is not). Then I tried to drop my contacts from the Personal folder in Outlook into the contacts folders that has been created by the Outlook Connector
    (a subfolder of my live account). This seemed to work, yet I'm losing around half of my contacts and some are duplicated or even quadrupled. The strange thing is they show up in the Outlook folder, but not on the contacts page in Windows Live - and to be sure:
    neither in my phone.

    This makes me believe there is something wrong with the Outlook Connector synchronization procedure, but I fail to see what exactly. What I have discovered though is that of people with the same family name only one appears in Windows Live... wonder of

    I have now decided to undo the Outlook Connector, re-install my Outlook on the desktop, then re-install Outlook Connector, and try the whole thing from the start again. In the meantime I keep my phone away from my Windows Live account and off line, because
    there might be a problem with the simultaneous synchronizations running between my desktop and the Live server AND between the Live server and my phone (although the simultaneity of these synchronizations is the whole point of Outlook Connector).

    If you can shed some light on this issue, I'd be most grateful. I've tried to follow your suggestions, but can't accomplish the copying of .vcf records into my live account (in neither of the ways you indicated), this seems to be an option that is not available
    in the versions of my software.
    Again: I'm running Outlook 2003 on Windows XP.

    Many thanks in advance ~ G
  6. Karl Timmermans (Out Win User

    My Account has been phished and my E-Mail and Password have been changed.

    Hello Simon_201

    Hi, I'm Karl and will be happy to help you today.


    Is there any way to get my account back?


    Unfortunately there is only one way to recover an email account and that is via the Microsoft Account Recovery form and if that fails after repeated attempts (up to 2 times a day), the account is effectively lost. There is no way to recover an account any other way.

    In case this helps

    Help with the Microsoft account recovery form

    There is also no point in trying to contact Microsoft Support for an account that you cannot access as described at the top of the following article

    How to get support for

    Just so there is no misunderstanding, this is a public user-to-user support forum. We're users just like you helping other users. We do not work for Microsoft and have no access to any user account so there is nothing we can do or check from within the forum. We have no input on Microsoft's policies, procedures, or design decisions.


  7. User Advert


    willkommen im Windows Forum!

Can't get a single Outlook Mail Account (former Windows Live account) to work on iOS and... -

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Can't get a single Outlook Mail Account (former Windows Live account) to work on iOS and... solved
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