Connecting to SSAS via HTTPS through Excel not possible

Diskutiere und helfe bei Connecting to SSAS via HTTPS through Excel not possible im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hello there,I've set up web access to my SSAS database today. Both SSAS and IIS are running on a remote server in the same domain as my PC. The initial... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von Ariana Grande1, 16. Oktober 2023.

  1. Connecting to SSAS via HTTPS through Excel not possible

    Hello there,I've set up web access to my SSAS database today. Both SSAS and IIS are running on a remote server in the same domain as my PC. The initial configuration was done with HTTP, and I had no problem reaching the HTTP SSAS access on my PC with SSMS and Excel. I have then changed the binding of my IIS site to HTTPS and deleted the HTTP binding. I already had a certificate ready so doing this was no problem either. I adjusted the firewall settings and was able to reach my new URL both through Edge and SSMS. However my Excel access i
  2. h.Hugo Win User

    Link broken? - Need download image for mac office in english

  3. JohannesGmelin Win User

    Cannot request microsoft access token for OneDrive file upload within PHP

    Hi Elise,
    <br />so it's not possible to upload into a OneDrive with a personal account?
    <br />Cheers
    <br />
  4. peace07 Win User

    Surface, Windows RT und Default Mail App aus Office

    Vielen Dank!

    Ich habe dieses schon befürchtet - muss mich aber nun nicht weiter abmühen.

    Vielen Dank auch für den Link - aber genau das ist dann mein Problem: ich kann den Firmenserver zwar einbinden über die Std-Mail App (Metro) vom RT-Tablet, aber nicht über Outlook 2013 (!).

    Dieses Problem haben offensichtlich noch mehrere Personen und meine Hoffnung ist, dass MS dieses in hoffentlich naher Zukunft beheben wird.

    So bin ich jetzt leider gezwungen alle Dokumente erst zu speichern, um sie dann über den Umweg der Metro App zu versenden. Geht - aber optimal ist anders.

    Vielen Dank noch einmal,


    wird das Problem auch beschrieben...:

  5. sajju2 Win User

    OneNote mit mesh bidirektional synchronisieren

    .. enterd following as feature request.

    SkyDrive App

    - It should be possible to sync Windows Live Mesh data with Apple IPad! E.g. through Skydrive App.

    - Should be possible to save to SkyDrive App from ios devices (e.g. from Mail, webpage, etc. >> with save as/to skydrive app functionality.

    SkyDrive on Web

    - Also on SkyDrive the synced Live Mesh Data and "normal" uploaded data to skydrive should be combined in one place/structure/view.

    Only then we can start using skydrive instead of our local harddrive.
  6. FlorianVogler Win User

    Submitting false positives seems to be broken

    seems to work via enterprise link, but not via SW developer link
    <br />
  7. User Advert


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Connecting to SSAS via HTTPS through Excel not possible - Microsoft Office

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Connecting to SSAS via HTTPS through Excel not possible solved
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