EFI/Microsoft/boot/BCD error on boot from USB

Diskutiere und helfe bei EFI/Microsoft/boot/BCD error on boot from USB im Bereich Games und Spiele im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Greetings.I vould not find the specific issue so here goes. After getting a new GPU I had some issues with it. After reseting BIOS settings to default... Dieses Thema im Forum "Games und Spiele" wurde erstellt von Dennis Philipp, 5. März 2023.

  1. EFI/Microsoft/boot/BCD error on boot from USB

    Greetings.I vould not find the specific issue so here goes. After getting a new GPU I had some issues with it. After reseting BIOS settings to default in an attempt to solve it, my SSD was not recognised as a bootable medium while still being listed as a storage device afterwards. Plugged in my Windows USB for the recovery and executed bootrec /FixMBRbootrec /FixBootbootrec /ScanOsbootrec /RebuildBcdaccording to a manual which was supposed to fix that.After a restart the issue persists and in addition I get the EFI/Microsoft/boot/BCD error when booting from the USB so I can't even enter the re
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EFI/Microsoft/boot/BCD error on boot from USB - Games und Spiele

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