excel reference style drops back to A1

Diskutiere und helfe bei excel reference style drops back to A1 im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; I want to work with the R1C1 reference style in Excel. But whenever I re-open my workook, it has fallen back to A1 reference style. I managed to locate... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von Chcristoph_252, 30. März 2018.

  1. excel reference style drops back to A1

    I want to work with the R1C1 reference style in Excel. But whenever I re-open my workook, it has fallen back to A1 reference style. I managed to locate the XLSTART folder and saved there a template Book.xltx with the desired R1C1 setting. But this did not help. Even the template has changed back to A1 when I re-open it. How can I prevent these unwanted changes?
  2. Chcristoph_252 Win User

    excel reference style drops back to A1

    Many thanks for the suggestions. They did not help, though. I deleted the template Book.xltx in the start-up folder and made sure there is none anywhere on the C drive. After the close / open /close / open procedure I am back to A1 style.

    There is no PERSONAL.XLSB on my C drive. I checked also the spelling in lower case. But when I open an existing workbook directly in the file explorer, the I do get actually two books: the one I wanted and an empty Book1.xlsx. Is this the other workbook
    your mention? Is it associated with the root cause? I would be grateful for a sound solution.

    For the time being I implemented a Auto_Open VBA procedure, which is setting the R1C1 style at opening of the workbook. But that is a bit clumsy and I would appreciate a more professional solution.
  3. Augustine_E Win User

    excel reference style drops back to A1

    Hello Chcristoph,

    mal sehen, wie ich dir helfen kann.

    Es sollte normalerweise gehen. So geht's: Datei > Optionen
    > Formeln > Arbeiten mit Formeln und dann R1C1

    Wenn das nicht klappt, dann bitte antworte auf die folgenden Fragen:

    1. Welche Version von Office verwendest du? So findest du es hieraus:
      zu Office: Welche Version von Office verwende ich?

    2. Hast du eine andere Antivirus-Software außer Windows Defender auf deinem Rechner installiert? Wenn ja, bitte
      deinstalliere dies restlos
      und probiere es nochmal aus.

    Wir freuen uns auf deine Rückmeldung.


  4. Chcristoph_252 Win User

    excel reference style drops back to A1


    1. I have Microsoft Office 365, running Excel 2016 32 bit

    2. The Norton anti-virus suite is installed on my computer, but I chosed not de-install it.

    The remark of Andreas above "If the reference style is back to A1 you have other workbooks that are loaded at startup" continued ringing in my ears. I assume that every AddIn provides another workbook, which is loaded
    at start up. I see all these xla files in the VBA editor. So I picked the first suspect and uninstalled that AddIn. And the problem disappeared!

    Many thanks to both of you!
  5. Andreas Killer Win User

    excel reference style drops back to A1

    The R1C1 reference style can only be set on application level, not at workbook level.

    Means this setting affects all files!

    At first, delete your template Book.xltx then do as follows:

    Close Excel

    Open Excel

    Open File\Options\Formulas and check the option "R1C1 Reference Style"

    Close Excel

    Open Excel

    If the reference style is back to A1 you have other workbooks that are loaded at startup, e.g. PERSONAL.XLSB

    Click View\Unhide window and make the hidden workbook visible

    Open File\Options\Formulas and check the option "R1C1 Reference Style"

    Click View\Hide window and the hide the workbook

    Close Excel

    When Excel asks you to save the PERSONAL.XLSB choose Yes

    Open Excel

  6. Lisa Wilke-Thissen Win User

    R1C1 Adressbezug


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    Viele Grüße

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excel reference style drops back to A1 solved
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