I lost very important files

Diskutiere und helfe bei I lost very important files im Bereich Games und Spiele im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hello there!I need help regarding a issue. My Microsoft account was hacked and access to everything in my PC was granted to whoever it was. I managed... Dieses Thema im Forum "Games und Spiele" wurde erstellt von Rosen Bashov, 7. Juni 2023.

  1. I lost very important files

    Hello there!I need help regarding a issue. My Microsoft account was hacked and access to everything in my PC was granted to whoever it was. I managed to get hold of my account after 3 days and could retrieve it after a week later. When I got my account back I decided to reinstall windows and save everything important. After everything was done I installed my things back and everything was fine. But later on I noticed that I haven't saved a very very important folder to me. I downloaded all kinds of software, even paid for one. I searched the net, yet nothing!I want to mention that I do not hav
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I lost very important files solved
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