Italian formula expressions DECIMAL.HEX and HEX.DECIMAL are not translated (recognized)...

Diskutiere und helfe bei Italian formula expressions DECIMAL.HEX and HEX.DECIMAL are not translated (recognized)... im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; When I open a spreadsheet in xls format from our Italian colleagues the used formula expressions DECIMAL.HEX and HEX.DECIMAL are not translated (result... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von Thomas Lorenz Parker, 15. August 2017.

  1. Italian formula expressions DECIMAL.HEX and HEX.DECIMAL are not translated (recognized)...

    When I open a spreadsheet in xls format from our Italian colleagues the used formula expressions DECIMAL.HEX and HEX.DECIMAL are not translated (result is give as unknown (#Name)).

    These expressions should be translated to the regional expressions of the used Excel version (in my case German -> DECIMAL.HEX() would be DEZINHEX() ).
  2. Claus Busch Win User

    Italian formula expressions DECIMAL.HEX and HEX.DECIMAL are not translated (recognized) when opening the file with German Excel

    Hallo Thomas,

    im Italienischen würde die Funktion z.B. lauten:


    Wenn bei dir nur DECIMAL.HEX steht, hat dein italienischer Kollege sehr wahrscheinlich eine eigene UDF geschrieben. Entweder ist diese in deiner Mappe nicht vorhanden oder er hat im Code lokale Einstellungen, die bei dir nicht funktionieren können.


    P.S.: Dies ist ein deutschsprachiges Forum. Wenn du lieber Hilfe von englischen Usern haben möchtest, scroll ganz nach unten und stelle dort die Sprache um.
  3. D.Ritter Win User

    Formelfelder in Word für Mac - mehrfach vertikal verschobene Formeldarstellung

    Hi Mr. Korchok,

    thank You for your answer. I try a translation of the problem.

    If I open a word-file which includes a lot of equation fields the mathematic formula in these fields are not readable. The reason for this is that the formula are shown more often above each other in one raw. It seams that the formula are moved vertically
    in steps to the top of the raw and all the steps are shown. A picture would show the situation very easily. So the formula is not readable. If I click with the mouse inside the raw - not in the field - and press the space-button once, all the formula in the
    raw are shown correctly. If I slide the page outside the screen and then back, the formula is unreadable like before. By making a space once in the raw the formula is shown correctly again. The Problem is never shown if I print the file on paper or save it
    in an pdf-file.

    Do You have an idea how I could fix this problem?

    Thank You. Yours Ritter
  4. Shakiru Soenu Win User

    Privates Konto wurde gesperrt, Wiederherstellung ist nicht möglich, SMS kann nicht gesendet werden

    Hello Markus_381! Thank you for writing to the Microsoft Answer community forum. I'm Shakiru, an Independent Consultant and a user like you, and I'm happy to help you today. I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble accessing your account. If you have already tried the recovery process
    and it doesn't work. The next step I will recommend is to contact the Microsoft support team again via they have access to your account and are in the best position to assist you in recovering that account. Please note that this forum is user to user support and we do not have permission to access your account and personal information. Kind regards Shakiru

    This reply has been automatically translated. Therefore, it may contain grammatical errors or foreign expressions.
  5. Albanis Pacheco Win User

    New array formulas in Excel version 1907

    Hi Naom_1a, my name is Albanis

    specifically, what formula are you looking for?

  6. Andreas Killer Win User

    EXCEL VBA: Intelligentes copy/paste eines Bereichs mit Formeln und relativen Bezügen

    Ich stelle mir das aufwendig vor.Gibt' s eine Prüfung, ob eine Zelle mindestens einen Bezug beinhaltet oder nur Zahlen, Kommas, Punkte, Vorzeichen, Klammern, ..?
    a) Naja, geht so. Zum Zerlegen für Formeln habe ich was fertig.
    <br />b) Nein, eine Formel ist ein Text, wie der zu Interpretieren ist bleibt einem selber überlassen.
    <br />Andreas.
    <br />Private Function IsRange(ByVal Expression As String) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    IsRange = Not Application.Range(Expression) Is Nothing
    End Function
    <br />Function SplitFormula(ByVal Expression As String, Optional ByVal Locale As Boolean, Optional ByRef Positions) As Variant
    'Split an Excel formula at delimiters
    Const DefDelimiters = "=+-*/^%&<>()"
    Dim Delimiters As String
    'Dim Positions() As Long, Ret() As Variant
    Dim Ret() As Variant
    Dim Digit As String
    Dim i As Long, Pos As Long, Count As Long
    Dim InWord As Boolean
    Dim InField As Integer

    If Locale Then
    Delimiters = DefDelimiters & _
    Application.International(xlLeftBrace) & _
    Application.International(xlRightBrace) & _
    Application.International(xlListSeparator) & _
    Delimiters = DefDelimiters & "{},;"
    End If

    'Return the whole result for non-formulas
    If Left$(Expression, 1) <> "=" Then
    SplitFormula = Array(Expression)
    Positions = Array(1)
    Exit Function
    End If

    'Create space for max. possible positions
    ReDim Positions(0 To Len(Expression)) As Long
    Positions(0) = 1

    For Pos = 2 To Len(Expression)
    Digit = Mid$(Expression, Pos, 1)
    i = InStr(Delimiters, Digit)
    If i > 0 And InField = 0 Then
    InWord = False
    Count = Count + 1
    Positions(Count) = Pos
    If Count > 1 Then
    'Don't break "<=" ">=" "<>"
    Select Case Digit
    Case "=", ">"
    Select Case Mid$(Expression, Pos - 1, 1)
    Case "<", ">"
    Count = Count - 1
    End Select
    End Select
    End If
    Select Case Digit
    Case "'"
    Count = Count + 1
    Positions(Count) = Pos
    Pos = InStr(Pos + 1, Expression, "'")
    'Should not happen, just to be sure
    If Pos = 0 Then Exit For
    If Mid$(Expression, Pos + 1, 1) = "!" Then
    InWord = True
    Pos = Pos + 1
    InWord = False
    End If
    Case """"
    InWord = False
    Count = Count + 1
    Positions(Count) = Pos
    Pos = InStr(Pos + 1, Expression, """")
    'Should not happen, just to be sure
    If Pos = 0 Then Exit For
    Case "["
    InField = InField + 1
    If Not InWord Then
    InWord = True
    Count = Count + 1
    Positions(Count) = Pos
    End If
    Case "]"
    InField = InField - 1
    'Should not happen, just to be sure
    If InField < 0 Then InField = 0
    Case Else
    If Not InWord Then
    InWord = True
    Count = Count + 1
    Positions(Count) = Pos
    End If
    End Select
    End If

    'Create space for the output
    ReDim Preserve Positions(0 To Count)
    ReDim Preserve Ret(0 To Count) As Variant
    For Pos = 0 To Count - 1
    Ret(Pos) = Trim$(Mid$(Expression, Positions(Pos), Positions(Pos + 1) - Positions(Pos)))
    'Grab last element
    Ret(Pos) = Trim$(Mid$(Expression, Positions(Pos)))
    'Assign results and return.
    SplitFormula = Ret
    End Function
    <br />
  7. User Advert


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Italian formula expressions DECIMAL.HEX and HEX.DECIMAL are not translated (recognized)... - Microsoft Office

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Italian formula expressions DECIMAL.HEX and HEX.DECIMAL are not translated (recognized)... - Similar Threads - Italian formula expressions

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