Keyboard shortcut stops working shortly after logging in. Also works in safe mode, but not...

Diskutiere und helfe bei Keyboard shortcut stops working shortly after logging in. Also works in safe mode, but not... im Bereich Games und Spiele im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hey all!It's about Ctrl-Shift-X and Ctrl-Shift-C.The keypresses get registered fine directly after starting the computer and logging in, but they stop... Dieses Thema im Forum "Games und Spiele" wurde erstellt von Daniel Gallenberger, 26. Mai 2024.

  1. Keyboard shortcut stops working shortly after logging in. Also works in safe mode, but not...

    Hey all!It's about Ctrl-Shift-X and Ctrl-Shift-C.The keypresses get registered fine directly after starting the computer and logging in, but they stop working properly a couple seconds after logging on, like 10-20 seconds or so.I used this website to diagnose keystrokes: is what I see after logging in and when I test it on other computers: some time, the shortcut stops working and this is what I see:
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Keyboard shortcut stops working shortly after logging in. Also works in safe mode, but not... - Games und Spiele

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Keyboard shortcut stops working shortly after logging in. Also works in safe mode, but not... - Similar Threads - Keyboard shortcut stops

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Keyboard shortcut stops working shortly after logging in. Also works in safe mode, but not...

Keyboard shortcut stops working shortly after logging in. Also works in safe mode, but not...: Hey all!It's about Ctrl-Shift-X and Ctrl-Shift-C.The keypresses get registered fine directly after starting the computer and logging in, but they stop working properly a couple seconds after...
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Keyboard shortcut stops working shortly after logging in. Also works in safe mode, but not... solved
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