Netflix Surround Sound Problem! 5.1 Audio Track taps the wrong channels on 7.1 Speakersystem!

Diskutiere und helfe bei Netflix Surround Sound Problem! 5.1 Audio Track taps the wrong channels on 7.1 Speakersystem! im Bereich Apps im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Notice: Everything worked fine with Windows 8.1, same PC Setup, same drivers with the Netflix App from the Microsoft Store. I have the Creative... Dieses Thema im Forum "Apps" wurde erstellt von Ainz.Ooal.Gown, 11. Dezember 2016.

  1. Netflix Surround Sound Problem! 5.1 Audio Track taps the wrong channels on 7.1 Speakersystem!

    Notice: Everything worked fine with Windows 8.1, same PC Setup, same drivers with the Netflix App from the Microsoft Store.

    I have the Creative Inspire T7900 7.1 Speakers, where the Subwoofer includes a hardware 5.1>7.1 switch, which works fabulous!

    PC System: Acer M7720

    Now to the Issue at hand:

    I'm now using Windows 10 Pro, with the same setup i used with Windows 8.1 + Netflix App.

    I still can choose 5.1 or 2.0 Audio, that's fine!

    BUT, when i choose 5.1, The Rear Speaker aren't used, no, the Side Speaker are used instead!

    And when i activate the 5.1>7.1 Upmix on my Subwoofer, waaait for iiiiit, it becomes 2.0 = Stereo!

    Yes, i have the newest audio driver, and PowerDVD, VLC , PC Games etc. work just fine, except for Netflix Audio.

    With Windows 8.1, the channels were correctly.

    Front L, Front R, Center, Rear L, Rear R

    Windows 10: Front L, Front R, Center, Side L, Side R

    I asked the Netflix Hotline about it, and if they can contact the Developers of the Netflix App about it or just give me their e-mail adress, but they told me, they don't have any way to contact them(wtf?!).

    So now i'm here, asking the microsoft staff and/or experienced user, if you got any solutions or any way, to fix this or contact the netflix developers to fix this issue.

    Netflix isn't enjoyable anymore, because of this Bug/sloppy programming on microsofts or netflix side!

    sry for my bluntness
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Netflix Surround Sound Problem! 5.1 Audio Track taps the wrong channels on 7.1 Speakersystem! - Apps

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