Neue Windows 7 SP1 Clients bekommen keine Updates vom WSUS

Diskutiere und helfe bei Neue Windows 7 SP1 Clients bekommen keine Updates vom WSUS im Bereich Allgemeines im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hallo zusammen, Nachdem wir einen neuen WSUS Server (2012 R2) installiert haben, bekommen neue Windows 7 Clients mit SP1 keine Updates. - der Server... Dieses Thema im Forum "Allgemeines" wurde erstellt von SEDO57, 20. Dezember 2016.

  1. SEDO57
    SEDO57 Gast

    Neue Windows 7 SP1 Clients bekommen keine Updates vom WSUS

    Hallo zusammen,

    Nachdem wir einen neuen WSUS Server (2012 R2) installiert haben, bekommen neue Windows 7 Clients mit SP1 keine Updates.

    - der Server hat alle Updates installiert
    - Clients mit Windows 7 erhalten Updates inkl. SP1
    - danach Reporten sie nicht mehr zum WSUS
    - die Updatesuche läuft ins unendliche
    - 1 CPU Kern ist voll ausgelastet

    Clients die auf dem aktuellen Stand waren, bekommen neue Updates und Reporten.

    Hier der Log von einem Client.

    2016-12-12 11:17:23:142 996 9a0 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.6.7600.320, tz: +0100) ===========

    2016-12-12 11:17:23:142 996 9a0 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe

    2016-12-12 11:17:23:142 996 9a0 Misc = Module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll

    2016-12-12 11:17:23:142 996 9a0 Service *************

    2016-12-12 11:17:23:142 996 9a0 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup

    2016-12-12 11:17:23:142 996 9a0 Service *********

    2016-12-12 11:17:23:190 996 9a0 Agent * WU client version 7.6.7600.320

    2016-12-12 11:17:23:190 996 9a0 Agent * Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution

    2016-12-12 11:17:23:190 996 9a0 Agent * Access type: No proxy

    2016-12-12 11:17:23:190 996 9a0 Agent * Network state: Connected

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:108 996 b60 Report CWERReporter::Init succeeded

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:108 996 b60 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent ***********

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:124 996 b60 Agent * Prerequisite roots succeeded.

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:124 996 b60 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing global settings cache ***********

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:124 996 b60 Agent * WSUS server: http://UNSER_SERVER.:8530

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:124 996 b60 Agent * WSUS status server: http://UNSER_SERVER.:8530

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:124 996 b60 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:124 996 b60 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:140 996 b60 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:140 996 b60 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic Updates ###########

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:156 996 b60 AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2016-12-12 10:17:40

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:156 996 b60 AU AU setting next sqm report timeout to 2016-12-12 10:17:40

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:156 996 b60 AU # WSUS server: http://UNSER_SERVER.:8530

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:156 996 b60 AU # Detection frequency: 22

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:156 996 b60 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (Policy)

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:156 996 b60 AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every day at 3:00

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:156 996 b60 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:266 996 b60 AU Initializing featured updates

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:266 996 b60 AU Found 0 cached featured updates

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:281 996 9a0 Report *********** Report: Initializing static reporting data ***********

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:281 996 9a0 Report * OS Version = 6.1.7601.1.0.65792

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:281 996 9a0 Report * OS Product Type = 0x00000030

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:297 996 9a0 Report * Computer Brand = LENOVO

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:297 996 9a0 Report * Computer Model = 2518L5G

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:297 996 9a0 Report * Bios Revision = 6IET85WW (1.45 )

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:297 996 9a0 Report * Bios Name = Ver 1.00PARTTBLx

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:297 996 9a0 Report * Bios Release Date = 2013-02-14T00:00:00

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:297 996 9a0 Report * Locale ID = 1031

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:297 996 b60 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:313 996 b60 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:313 996 b60 AU AU finished delayed initialization

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:313 996 9a0 AU AU setting next sqm report timeout to 2016-12-13 10:17:40

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:313 996 9a0 AU #############

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:313 996 9a0 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:313 996 9a0 AU #########

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:407 996 9a0 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {B2FADF03-0024-4071-9C2A-D49E8240A16D}]

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:627 996 e18 Agent *************

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:627 996 e18 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:627 996 e18 Agent *********

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:627 996 e18 Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:627 996 e18 Agent * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:627 996 e18 Agent * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:627 996 e18 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:627 996 e18 Setup Checking for agent SelfUpdate

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:627 996 e18 Setup Client version: Core: 7.6.7600.320 Aux: 7.6.7600.320

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:785 996 e18 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\ with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:942 996 e18 Misc Microsoft signed: NA

    2016-12-12 11:17:40:973 996 e18 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\TMP1D6.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:005 996 e18 Misc Microsoft signed: NA

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:020 996 e18 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\ with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:020 996 e18 Misc Microsoft signed: NA

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:036 996 e18 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\ with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:036 996 e18 Misc Microsoft signed: NA

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:115 996 e18 Setup Determining whether a new setup handler needs to be downloaded

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:115 996 e18 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Handler\WuSetupV.exe with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:131 996 e18 Misc Microsoft signed: NA

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:131 996 e18 Setup SelfUpdate handler update NOT required: Current version: 7.6.7600.320, required version: 7.6.7600.320

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:131 996 e18 Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.320"

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:178 996 e18 Setup Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.320" is already installed.

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:178 996 e18 Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.320"

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:209 996 e18 Setup Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.320" is already installed.

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:209 996 e18 Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.320"

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:272 996 e18 Setup Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7.6.7600.320" is already installed.

    2016-12-12 11:17:41:272 996 e18 Setup SelfUpdate check completed. SelfUpdate is NOT required.

    2016-12-12 11:17:43:756 996 b60 AU Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API

    2016-12-12 11:17:43:756 996 b60 AU Piggybacking on an AU detection already in progress

    2016-12-12 11:17:58:317 996 e18 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++

    2016-12-12 11:17:58:317 996 e18 PT + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://UNSER_SERVER.:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx

    2016-12-12 11:17:58:332 996 e18 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available

    2016-12-12 11:17:58:332 996 e18 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie, clientId = 2232b743-56b6-4501-993d-64ce670769cb, target group = , DNS name = nbdoersatz05.

    2016-12-12 11:17:58:332 996 e18 PT Server URL = http://UNSER_SERVER.:8530/SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx

    2016-12-12 11:18:33:397 996 9a0 AU Forced install timer expired for scheduled install

    2016-12-12 11:18:33:397 996 9a0 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: 0 download(s) are still in progress.

    2016-12-12 11:18:33:460 996 9a0 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2016-12-13 02:00:00

    2016-12-12 11:18:33:475 996 9a0 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0

    2016-12-12 11:18:49:215 996 e18 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended update info +++++++++++

    2016-12-12 11:18:49:215 996 e18 PT + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://UNSER_SERVER.:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx

    2016-12-12 11:49:41:105 996 9a0 AU Piggybacking on an AU detection already in progress

    2016-12-12 11:49:42:244 996 9a0 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0

    Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.

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