Nokia Device Hub Beta

Diskutiere und helfe bei Nokia Device Hub Beta im Bereich Tools + Produktivität im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Nokia Device Hub Beta [IMG] With Nokia Device Hub Beta, connect to and access your devices easily. Many wireless headsets, Internet capable Smart... Dieses Thema im Forum "Tools + Produktivität" wurde erstellt von WindowsPhone, 26. März 2015.

  1. WindowsPhone
    WindowsPhone New Member
    Registriert seit:
    19. Januar 2015

    Nokia Device Hub Beta

    Nokia Device Hub Beta
    [​IMG] With Nokia Device Hub Beta, connect to and access your devices easily. Many wireless headsets, Internet capable Smart TVs, Blu-Ray Players and Computers are supported. Nokia Device Hub also recommends Windows Phone applications which work with your devices. Pin a device to the home screen to get easy access to all the apps which work with it.

    Nokia Device Hub Beta Screenshots

    Nokia Device Hub Beta Download
    • Windows Phone 10
      Windows Phone 8.1
      Windows Phone 8
    • phone identity
      owner identity
      music library
      photos library
      media playback
      data services
      movement and directional sensor
      web browser component
      HD720P (720x1280)
      WVGA (480x800)
      WXGA (768x1280)
    • Download @ WindowsPhone
      Download @
      Download @


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