Not able to configure "Send as" throught powershell in exchange online

Diskutiere und helfe bei Not able to configure "Send as" throught powershell in exchange online im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hi GuysWe're trying to automate the creation and - even more important - the delegation of permissions on shared mailboxes within out company. But I... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von aplboy, 19. September 2023.

  1. aplboy
    aplboy Gast

    Not able to configure "Send as" throught powershell in exchange online

    Hi GuysWe're trying to automate the creation and - even more important - the delegation of permissions on shared mailboxes within out company. But I got stuck now: We have a hybrid enviorement exchange online, but on prem directory. Mailbox gets created, but im not able to delegate the permissions. Im using the module ExchangeOnlineManagement in V3.3 currently. But there is missing the cmdlet "AddReceipientPermission" which i would need, as the Add-MailboxPermission doesn't work in the EXO-Enviorement. Do you know if there is a workaround to set those permissions?Regards, Andreas
  2. Wolf Spohr Win User

    Mobiles Endgeräte kann nicht gesperrt bzw. gelöscht werden

  3. LBX-2017 Win User

    Office 365 Gruppe Domain für Gruppe nach Domainwechsel ändern

    Guten Tag,

    danke für das Feedback. Welche Pakete muss ich dafür über die powershell installieren? Oder reicht hier die Verbindung zum Exchange aus?

    Die Befehle kann ich alle nicht ausführen...

    EDIT: Gut, die Umstellung hat funktioniert, nachdem ich die Verbindung zum Exchange hergestellt habe. Allerdings können jetzt keine Mails an die entsprechenden Adressen gesendet werden. Muss hier noch etwas beachtet werden?

    EDIT EDIT :) : Dauert wohl einfach ein paar Minuten. Jetzt gehts.


  4. Nik S. Win User

    One Drive Personal on business notebook - Access from Admin?


    I'm Nik, an independent advisor here to assist you with this.

    I understand your concern is regarding possibility of your company being able to access your data on Personal OneDrive.

    Please find my answers in the same order:

    1. If you have enabled sync from your personal OneDrive to local folder and your company has any rule/policy enabled to scan/access your local files, then they could possibly access those files.

    2. Folders that are 'Online' available only will not be accessible as they would need your credentials to access.

    3. Admin will not be able to login to your Personal OneDrive as that would also require your credentials.


  5. Jason (Office Engine Win User

    Mein Sway soll nicht auf Social Media geteilt werden - wie mache ich das?

    Hi Marison,

    As Sways behave much like web pages, anyone who has the URL to it can view it. However, premium users have the ability to hide the share buttons (to make it not so easy to post on social media sites) as well as the ability to require a password to be able
    to view it.

  6. Galin Karlovv Win User

    Microsoft Office 365 3 Domänen untereinander alle Kalender freigeben

    Hallo Marco,

    Bitte prüf im
    , wie du Kalender in Office 365 freigeben kannst.

    Es gibt auch die Option durch PowerShell die Berechtigungen von jedem Benutzer ändern.

    Der Befehl lautet
    und wie du dich in Exchange Online verbinden kannst findest du im


    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

    Galin Karlov

    Microsoft Office 365 Support Engineer
  7. User Advert


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Not able to configure "Send as" throught powershell in exchange online - Microsoft Office

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Not able to configure "Send as" throught powershell in exchange online solved
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