Office 2013 - Proofing Tool Installation

Diskutiere und helfe bei Office 2013 - Proofing Tool Installation im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to install the German Proofing Tool for Office 2013. The first time I tried... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von A.Rehm, 11. März 2017.

  1. A.Rehm
    A.Rehm Gast

    Office 2013 - Proofing Tool Installation

    I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to install the German Proofing Tool for Office 2013.

    The first time I tried the install the proofing tool the install crashed. I'm using a non-administrator account for my day to day business, downloaded the file and then tried to "Run as administrator". Which resulted in the computer just hanging and becoming unusable.

    However, I have since installed it multiple times seemingly successful. It asks me to restart MS Word but is then not available in the application. Error message says that the proofing tool is not installed and offers to download. I have restored the system to before the first restore attempt. Result is exactly the same.

    French proofing tool install worked fine. Running out of ideas what to try and office doesn't generate any useful messages.

    I'm running on Windows 7 professional; unfortunately this form doesn't have that as an option so I had to pick a random subcategory.
  2. A.Rehm Win User

    Office 2013 - Proofing Tool Installation

    PS. die französische Version natürlich vom französischen Equivalent:
  3. Dan_Av Win User

    Office 2013 - Proofing Tool Installation

    I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to install the German Proofing Tool for Office 2013.

    The first time I tried the install the proofing tool the install crashed. I'm using a non-administrator account for my day to day business, downloaded the file and then tried to "Run as administrator". Which resulted in the computer just hanging and becoming

    However, I have since installed it multiple times seemingly successful. It asks me to restart MS Word but is then not available in the application. Error message says that the proofing tool is not installed and offers to download. I have restored the system
    to before the first restore attempt. Result is exactly the same.

    French proofing tool install worked fine. Running out of ideas what to try and office doesn't generate any useful messages.

    I'm running on Windows 7 professional; unfortunately this form doesn't have that as an option so I had to pick a random subcategory.
    Hallo A.Rehm,

    du kannst auch gerne auf Deutsch schreiben, wenn es dir lieber ist.

    Woher hast du das German Proofing Tool?

    Halte mich auf dem Laufenden.

  4. A.Rehm Win User

    Office 2013 - Proofing Tool Installation

    Hi Daniel,

    Sure, I'm happy to write in German :). I just didn't pay attention when I signed up, not entirely sure how I landed on the German Community page. I run an English version Office but occasionally need to write stuff in German and the proofing tool would come
    in very handy.

    Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Dummerweise habe ich die notification verpasst, daher die langsame Antwort.

    Also das Proofing Tool kommt von Microsoft:

    Von dort kommt auch die französische Korrekturhilfe, die wie bereits beschrieben einwandfrei funktioniert, während die deutsche Version in einem komplette Crash resultierte.


  5. offpv Win User

    Word 2010: Wörterbuchsprache lässt sich nicht umstellen

    Ich habe das selbe Problem mit Windows 7 64 bit

    leider finde ich bei Punkt 8


    8. Benenne hier die folgenden Schlüssel um:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools (in Proofing Tools1 )

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools (in Proofing Tools1)


    diesen schlüssel nicht zum umbenennen:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools (in Proofing Tools1 )

    deshalb kann ich das Problem nicht lösen


  6. Pauline R. Win User

    Proofing Tools

    Hallo Alexandra,

    hast du dir möglicherweise die Korrekturhilfen für Office 2013 heruntergeladen? Die Korrekturhilfen für Office 2013 können nicht mit Office 2010 verwendet werden. Prüfe dies bitte in der Systemsteuerung unter Programme und Funktionen.


  7. User Advert


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