OneNote Imports PDFs sideways even though PDF is printed correctly.

Diskutiere und helfe bei OneNote Imports PDFs sideways even though PDF is printed correctly. im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hi folks, I hope you can help me out. I have a PDF document which is saved in portrait mode. If I open the PDF in Adobe everything looks the way I... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von GT1985, 5. Februar 2018.

  1. GT1985
    GT1985 Gast

    OneNote Imports PDFs sideways even though PDF is printed correctly.

    Hi folks,

    I hope you can help me out.

    I have a PDF document which is saved in portrait mode. If I open the PDF in Adobe everything looks the way I want it to be.

    However, if I import the same PDF in OneNote the application creates it

    • sideways and
    • puts 2 PDF pages on 1.

    It's really weird. I already went to File - Advanced Settings - Printouts and unchecked both options "Insert long printouts on multiple pages" and "Automatically set inserted file printouts in the background."

    I want OneNote to import the PDF in portrait mode just in the same way I see it in Adobe.

    Really frustrating - I hope you guys can help me out.

    Thank you!

  2. h.Hugo Win User

    word 2011 print from page to page

    Hey Rolly,

    what happens if you try print- pdf- open in preview? Is it shown correctly?
  3. DU-CH Win User

    PDF pictures don't zoom correctly any more (Access 2010)

    PS: I could resolve the problem accidentally while trying to resolve another: it seems necessary to deactivate the Adobe Reader XI option "enable protected mode upon start" before adding or editing database records. Then Access embeds the PDF in such way
    that the zoom function is afterwards working correctly.

    However, double-clicking on the PDF in an Access form opens it, but after closing the Adobe Reader there is an error message the record "cannot be updated" (even without any changes - that is, no update necessary) and the form has to be closed brutally otherwise
    scrolling the database is blocked [that is my other, still open problem].
  4. Bernd P. Win User

    Word Dokumente in OneNote

  5. RollyZH Win User

    word 2011 print from page to page

    Hugo, I tried all possible drivers, and the driver works fine with any other program. So, if I use Firefox, or QuarkExpress it works perfectly fine and only the pages I selected will be printed.

    So the only issue I have with Office.

    As I mentioned, when I select preview, it shows all pages, but when I print the PDF previe and select only page 2-3 it works, so it is same as if I print a PDF document.
  6. Tilman Ulshöfer Win User

    OneNote - Einfügen Handzeichnung vom iPad

    Hallo Solveig,

    danke für deine Info. OneNote auf dem PC läuft gut, doch meine Frage bezog sich auf Mobile, konkret mein iPad.

    Dort mache ich Zeichnungen in PaperDesk, weil OneNote keine Funktion bietet. Und meine Frage ist, warum ich direkt aus PaperDesk keinen Export nach OneNote machen kann. Sicher, über Umwege wie PDF-Export und -Import geht es, doch das ist mir zu umständlich.

    Schade, doch dann synchronisiere ich mit Evernote.

    Viele Grüße

  7. User Advert


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OneNote Imports PDFs sideways even though PDF is printed correctly. - Microsoft Office

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OneNote Imports PDFs sideways even though PDF is printed correctly. - Similar Threads - OneNote Imports PDFs

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