Patch 1.10 für Battlefield 2142

Diskutiere und helfe bei Patch 1.10 für Battlefield 2142 im Bereich Games im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Patch 1.10 für Battlefield 2142 BUG FIXES - Remove ability to resupply all unlimited ammo objects - No longer able to use Sentry Gun pushing player... Dieses Thema im Forum "Games" wurde erstellt von ZeRaTuL, 19. Dezember 2006.

  1. ZeRaTuL
    ZeRaTuL New Member
    Registriert seit:
    29. Oktober 2005

    Patch 1.10 für Battlefield 2142

    Patch 1.10 für Battlefield 2142

    - Remove ability to resupply all unlimited ammo objects
    - No longer able to use Sentry Gun pushing player into Titan Crate collision
    - No longer able to use RDX DemoPaks drop through first section of the 3rd and 4th upper hallways of both Titans
    - Away Bonus is now used when calculating in-game promotions
    - Improved communication with GameSpy Database
    - EU Duty Ribbon/PAC Duty Ribbon awarded correctly when all criteria are fulfilled
    - "Commander score" statistic no longer resets to zero
    - Enabled tabbing to password field when using a dedicated server
    - News Tickers Speed time to display increased
    - When scrolling through the list in Multiplayer you no longer move both at the same time as the server info
    - EMP effect on Gunships reduced from 4 to 3 seconds allows the gunship to recover when throttled up at medium altitude
    - SL drone: Tweaked the acceleration on the left right aiming for the bot. It now acquires targets properly
    - Adjusted pistols: Increased ROF Clamp values, slightly reduced damage fall off over range
    - Adjusted up the damage of the HMG rounds to counter its lower RPM
    - Adjusted and/or increased entry radius points for all vehicles
    - Removed unused RangeFinder setting from EU Walker, Titan Guns to fix the APC/Railgun/FAV draw out bug
    - Fix for latency and TV guided missiles (lowered the acceleration on the missile and fixed firing lag)
    - Fixed active camouflage to no longer offset image
    - Changed default server port to 17567
    - Update to most current PunkBuster client files

    - Reserved Slot Enhancement (Gives reserved slots the ability to be filled if not used)
    - Unranked Unlock Control (Option to give all first level unlocks and Enable/Disable control of all other unlock levels use)
    - Spectator Function

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Patch 1.10 für Battlefield 2142 - Games

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