PC doesn't boot at all how to fix?

Diskutiere und helfe bei PC doesn't boot at all how to fix? im Bereich Apps im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hey there, recently I started having problems with booting my PC I always get the same error message. My auto repair doesn't work on my pc and i had to... Dieses Thema im Forum "Apps" wurde erstellt von LIE .o7, 26. Mai 2024.

  1. LIE .o7
    LIE .o7 Gast

    PC doesn't boot at all how to fix?

    Hey there, recently I started having problems with booting my PC I always get the same error message. My auto repair doesn't work on my pc and i had to use the cmd command chkdsk /f /r C: to fix it, but now the command doesn't work anymore, I always get the error message status 6. Has someone an idea how to fix it?
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PC doesn't boot at all how to fix? - Apps

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PC doesn't boot at all how to fix? solved
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