Powerpont Animation fehlerhaft

Diskutiere und helfe bei Powerpont Animation fehlerhaft im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Seit ich Anniversary-Update und auch Creators-Update vorgenommen habe, geht Powerpoint 2016 nicht mehr richtig. Insbesondere werden Animationen nur... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von FrankPfeifer_730, 27. April 2017.

  1. Powerpont Animation fehlerhaft

    Seit ich Anniversary-Update und auch Creators-Update vorgenommen habe, geht Powerpoint 2016 nicht mehr richtig.
    Insbesondere werden Animationen nur unvollständig übernommen.
    (1) Objekt, zB ein Rechteck wird eingefügt.
    (2) Animation zuweisen, zB Animationsstil "Einfliegen."
    (3) Animationsbereich anklicken, dann rechts die Leiste im Fenster "Animationsbereich" anklicken.
    (4) Nach Anklicken der Leiste im Animationsbereich die Zeile Effektoptionen anklicken.
    (5) In den Effektoptionen erscheint das Fenster: Einstellungen Richtung: Gleiten Start: Gleiten Ende: Springen Ende:
    (6) Die dortigen Schieberegeler lassen sich mit Maus bewegen.
    Punkte 1 bis 6 gehen. Aber nachfolgender Punkt 7 geht nicht:
    (7) Werden sie von Null ausgehend bewegt, lässt sich kein O.K. abspeichern. Damit sind die Effekte "Gleiten" usw. nicht nutzbar.

    Erfolglose Abhilfemaßnahmen:
    Unter Optionen sind keine Add-Ins aktiviert.
    Als Virenschutz nur Windows - Defender. Win 10 + Defender auf neustem Stand (heute 27.April17)
    Das Problem besteht auch beim Start über "Ausführen - Powerpnt /Safe"

    In der Systemsteuerung habe ich unter "Programme" das MS-Office 365 angeklickt, dann "Online-reparieren" angeklickt. Nach ca. 1/2 Std. war das erledigt. Neustart: Das Problem bestand weiter.
    Das Problem besteht bei "ppt" und "pptx" Dateien;"

    Das Problem besteht weiter. Bei großen und kleinen PPT, PPTX Dateien.

    Und zwar auch bei ppt* Dateien, die vor Anniversary-Update erstellt wurden. Vor dem Anniversary-Update bestand das Problem noch nicht.

    Ich habe gestern (=26. April17) Office 365 neu heruntergeladen und neu installiert:

    Keine Änderung.

    Vermutung: In der Registry irgendwas verbogen?

    Mein PC = Windows 10 Pro 64-bit; Version 1703 (Build 15063.250)

    Intel Core '6-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz,
    16.0GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti; auf C:\rd. 50 GigB frei.
    PowerPoint® 2016 MSO (16.0.7127.1026) 32-Bit; Produkt ID = 00201-10561-20392-AA406

    auf D: rd 2,5 Terabyte Platz.
    Wer weiß Abhilfe?
  2. Dan_Av Win User

    Powerpont Animation fehlerhaft

    Hallo FrankPfeifer,

    hattest du dein Office durch Schritt 2 oder 3 dieses
    deinstalliert? Beide Methoden sind nämlich wirksamer.

    Überprüfe ansonsten dein System mithilfe dieser beiden Scans:

    SFC Scan

    1. klick auf Start

    2. gib im unteren Textfeld cmd ein

    3. klick das Suchergebnis cmd.exe mit rechter Maustaste an

    4. wähle Als Administrator ausführen

    5. gib dann in der Eingabeaufforderung den Befehl sfc /scannow
    ein und bestätige die Eingabe mit [Enter]

    6. die Überprüfung wird gestartet und kann mehrere Minuten dauern

    DISM Scan

    1. klick auf Start

    2. gib im unteren Textfeld cmd ein

    3. klick das Suchergebnis cmd.exe mit rechter Maustaste an

    4. wähle Als Administrator ausführen

    6. gib dann in der Eingabeaufforderung den Befehl DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth ein und bestätige die Eingabe mit [Enter]

    Halte mich auf dem Laufenden.

  3. Dan_Av Win User

    Powerpont Animation fehlerhaft

    Hallo Frank,

    entschuldige bitte zuerst die verspätete Rückmeldung.

    CMD als Administrator sollte nicht fehlen. Versuche bitte ein neues Benutzerkonto zu erstellen, um zu überprüfen, ob du dann dort das siehst. SFC und DISM müsstest du nämlich dort ausführen.

    Benutzerkonto unter Windows 10 erstellen

    Halte mich auf dem Laufenden.

  4. FrankPfeifer_730 Win User

    Powerpont Animation fehlerhaft

    Guten Tag,

    Ich habe habe über powershell sfc/scannow und DISM ablaufen lassen.

    Die Funktion

    klick das Suchergebnis cmd.exe mit rechter Maustaste an

    ...wähle Als Administrator ausführen

    Gibt es bei mir nicht.

    Ich habe habe daher über powershell sfc/scannow und DISM ablaufen lassen.

    Es folgen 3 Punkte,


    Frank Pfeifer

    (1) Das Powerpoint Problem ist nicht gelöst.


    (2) Scannow meldet:

    Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

    C:\Windows\system32> sfc /scannow

    Systemsuche wird gestartet. Dieser Vorgang kann einige Zeit dauern.

    Überprüfungsphase der Systemsuche wird gestartet.

    Überprüfung 100 % abgeschlossen.

    Der Windows-Ressourcenschutz hat keine Integritätsverletzungen gefunden

    PS C:\Windows\system32>


    (3) DISM meldet:

    Tool zur Imageverwaltung für die Bereitstellung

    Version: 10.0.15063.0

    Abbildversion: 10.0.15063.0

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    Fehler: 0x800f081f

    Die Quelldateien wurden nicht gefunden.

    Geben Sie mit der Option "Quelle" den Ort der Dateien an, die zum Wiederherstellen des Features erforderlich sind. Weitere Informationen zum Angeben eines Quellorts finden Sie unter "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=243077".

    Die DISM-Protokolldatei befindet sich unter "C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log".


    (3) DISM_log kann nicht gesendet werden, da zu lang. Wie kann ich Ihnen die die Datei "DISM.LOG zusenden? Die Datei lautet auszugsweise:

    2017-04-26 20:44:56, Info DISM API: PID=10004 TID=10000 DismApi.dll: - DismInitializeInternal

    2017-04-26 20:44:56, Info DISM API: PID=10004 TID=10000 DismApi.dll: <----- Starting DismApi.dll session -----> - DismInitializeInternal

    2017-04-26 20:44:56, Info DISM API: PID=10004 TID=10000 .......................




    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=9836 TID=11540 Disconnecting Provider: OSServices - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=9836 TID=11540 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=7336 TID=9964 Closing session event handle 0x658 - CDISMManager::CloseImageSession

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7336 TID=9964 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7336 TID=9964 Disconnecting Provider: FolderManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7336 TID=9964 Disconnecting Provider: WimManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7336 TID=9964 Disconnecting Provider: VHDManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7336 TID=9964 Disconnecting Provider: GenericImagingManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7336 TID=9964 Disconnecting Provider: Compatibility Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7336 TID=9964 Disconnecting Provider: FfuManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7336 TID=9964 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=9964 Leave CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 Leave DismCloseSessionInternal - DismCloseSessionInternal

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 Enter DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 GetReferenceCount hr: 0x0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 Refcount for DismSession= 1s 0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 Successfully enqueued command object - CCommandThread::EnqueueCommandObject

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=10012 ExecuteLoop: CommandQueue signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=10012 Successfully dequeued command object - CCommandThread::DequeueCommandObject

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=10012 ExecuteLoop: Cancel signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=10012 Leave CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM PID=7336 TID=10012 Temporarily setting the scratch directory. This may be overridden by user later. - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM PID=7336 TID=10012 Scratch directory set to 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\'. - CDISMManager::put_ScratchDir

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM PID=7336 TID=10012 DismCore.dll version: 10.0.15063.0 - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct

    2017-05-04 10:42:30, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log

    2017-05-04 10:42:31, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=10012 Leave CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub

    2017-05-04 10:42:31, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 Deleted g_internalDismSession - DismShutdownInternal

    2017-05-04 10:42:31, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 Shutdown SessionTable - DismShutdownInternal

    2017-05-04 10:42:31, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 Leave DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal

    2017-05-04 10:42:31, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 DismApi.dll: - DismShutdownInternal

    2017-05-04 10:42:31, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 DismApi.dll: <----- Ending DismApi.dll session -----> - DismShutdownInternal

    2017-05-04 10:42:31, Info DISM API: PID=7336 TID=12508 DismApi.dll: - DismShutdownInternal

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=11140 TID=11224 Error in operation: (null) (CBS HRESULT=0x800f0906) - CCbsConUIHandler::Error

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=11140 TID=11160 Failed finalizing changes. - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize(hr:0x800f0906)

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=11140 TID=11160 The source files could not be found and download failed. Their location can be specified using the /source option to restore the feature. - GetCbsErrorMsg

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=11140 TID=11160 Failed processing package changes with session option CbsSessionOptionRepairStoreCorruption - CDISMPackageManager::RestoreHealth(hr:0x800f0906)

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=11140 TID=11160 The source files could not be found and download failed. Their location can be specified using the /source option to restore the feature. - GetCbsErrorMsg

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=11140 TID=11160 Failed to restore the image health. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::processCmdLine_CleanupImage(hr:0x800f0906)

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=11140 TID=11160 Failed while processing command cleanup-image. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine(hr:0x800f0906)

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=11140 TID=11160 Further logs for online package and feature related operations can be found at %WINDIR%\logs\CBS\cbs.log - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Found the PE Provider. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(DISM Package Manager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing CBS core. - CDISMPackageManager::Finalize

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: DISM Package Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(MsiManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: MsiManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(IntlManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: IntlManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(IBSManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: IBSManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(DriverManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: DriverManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(DISM Unattend Manager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: DISM Unattend Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(SmiManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: SmiManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(AppxManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: AppxManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(ProvManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: ProvManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(AssocManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: AssocManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(GenericManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: GenericManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(OfflineSetupManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: OfflineSetupManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Finalizing the servicing provider(Edition Manager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: Edition Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Releasing the local reference to OSServices. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Disconnecting Provider: OSServices - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11140 TID=11160 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=11104 TID=11108 Closing session event handle 0x184 - CDISMManager::CloseImageSession

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Image session has been closed. Reboot required=no.

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM.EXE:

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM.EXE: <----- Ending Dism.exe session ----->

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM.EXE:

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11104 TID=11108 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11104 TID=11108 Disconnecting Provider: FolderManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 10:47:46, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=11104 TID=11108 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM PID=7588 TID=9556 Scratch directory set to 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\'. - CDISMManager::put_ScratchDir

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM PID=7588 TID=9556 DismCore.dll version: 10.0.15063.0 - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM PID=7588 TID=9556 Successfully loaded the ImageSession at "C:\Windows\System32\Dism" - CDISMManager::LoadLocalImageSession

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7588 TID=9556 Found and Initialized the DISM Logger. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_InitializeLogger

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7588 TID=9556 Failed to get and initialize the PE Provider. Continuing by assuming that it is not a WinPE image. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7588 TID=9556 Finished initializing the Provider Map. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=7588 TID=9556 Successfully created the local image session and provider store. - CDISMManager::CreateLocalImageSession

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM.EXE:

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM.EXE: <----- Starting Dism.exe session ----->

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM.EXE:

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Host machine information: OS Version=10.0.15063, Running architecture=amd64, Number of processors=4

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Dism.exe version: 10.0.15063.0

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Executing command line: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Dism.exe" /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=7588 TID=9556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Windows\System32\Dism\FolderProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=7588 TID=9556 physical location path: C:\ - CDISMManager::CreateImageSession

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=7588 TID=9556 Event name for current DISM session is Global\{F87FF189-5D71-49A5-9B11-ACC216945ABF} - CDISMManager::CheckSessionAndLock

    2017-05-04 12:06:35, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=7588 TID=9556 Create session event 0x184 for current DISM session and event name is Global\{F87FF189-5D71-49A5-9B11-2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468
    TID=8160 Finalizing the servicing provider(ProvManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Disconnecting Provider: ProvManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Finalizing the servicing provider(AssocManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Disconnecting Provider: AssocManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Finalizing the servicing provider(GenericManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Disconnecting Provider: GenericManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Finalizing the servicing provider(OfflineSetupManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Disconnecting Provider: OfflineSetupManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Finalizing the servicing provider(Edition Manager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Disconnecting Provider: Edition Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Releasing the local reference to OSServices. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Disconnecting Provider: OSServices - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4468 TID=8160 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=6688 TID=13168 Closing session event handle 0x184 - CDISMManager::CloseImageSession

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Image session has been closed. Reboot required=no.

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM.EXE:

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM.EXE: <----- Ending Dism.exe session ----->

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM.EXE:

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6688 TID=13168 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6688 TID=13168 Disconnecting Provider: FolderManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider

    2017-05-04 12:13:32, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6688 TID=13168 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
  5. G.O.Tuhls Win User

    Powerpont Animation fehlerhaft

    Screenshot bringt gar nichts, denn Deine Beschreibung ist ja klar verständlich.

    Am Wege: In der Leiste des Editors findest Du die Schaltfläche:


    Lade besser bei einem Filehoster eine Musterdatei mit diesem Effekt hoch, zwecks Gegenprobe.


  6. FrankPfeifer_730 Win User

    Powerpont Animation fehlerhaft

    Hallo Daniel,

    ich habe am vergangenen Monat [15.Mai 2017] mein Office 365 völlig neu installiert.

    Das Problem besteht immer noch.

    Kann ich per mail einen Screenshot schicken, wenn ja an welche Mail-Asdresse?


    Frank Pfeifer
  7. User Advert


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Powerpont Animation fehlerhaft - Microsoft Office

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