Surface 3 Pro loses keystrokes

Diskutiere und helfe bei Surface 3 Pro loses keystrokes im Bereich Surface im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hi, since last Win10 update my S3 Pro (Core i5-4300U, 8 GB RAM, 250 GB SSD) loses keystrokes from time to time (type cover). As I have some knowledge... Dieses Thema im Forum "Surface" wurde erstellt von Keiner_Einer, 11. Februar 2018.

  1. Surface 3 Pro loses keystrokes


    since last Win10 update my S3 Pro (Core i5-4300U, 8 GB RAM, 250 GB SSD) loses keystrokes from time to time (type cover). As I have some knowledge in the Windows kernel, I immediately suspected the so called Deferred Procedure Calls (DPC) having high latency (usually more than 500us) which leads to such effects. I checked with several tools and it turns out my suspicion was right: Average DPC is ~1000 us (~1 ms) which is critical. A lot of times, DPC latency grows up to 3100 us. The drivers in question are ACPI.sys with up to 3082 us, NDIS.sys with up to 2101 us and wdf01000.sys with 573 us.

    Please note that there's no 3rd party Antivirus, just odd MS Defender.

    My questions towards Microsoft:

    * is there any updates of the appropriate drivers?

    * Any other solution?

    I just want to remind that this is a quite expensive peace of hardware. And it's Microsoft own domain which means Windows should run on that device like a charm. I expect and understand trouble on any 3rd party device, but no on MS own hardware!!

    It took MS more than 8 months (!) to fix initial WIFI problems of this device. The problems were extremly low throughput (50 kb/sec!!) and loosing connection to AP. MS own apps (I mean the Apps, not the Win32 programs) in the beginning were not useable at all. Meanwhile it became better, but there's still a lot of room for improvement.

    I still experience phantom touches and thus had to disable the touch screen completely (deactivate the driver). This means my S3Pro no longer is a tablet but a Notebook.

    Since upgrade to Win10 the device works even worse. Sorry Microsoft, I love the device and it's form factor, but honestly the software su***.
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