TweakVI 1.0 Build 1025

Diskutiere und helfe bei TweakVI 1.0 Build 1025 im Bereich Software im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Legend: [ + Added feature ] [ * Improved/changed feature ] [ - Bug fixed ] [ ? Known issue ] [ X Major change to existing feature] v1.0 build 1025 -... Dieses Thema im Forum "Software" wurde erstellt von WinVista, 2. Dezember 2006.

  1. WinVista
    WinVista Gast

    TweakVI 1.0 Build 1025


    [ + Added feature ]
    [ * Improved/changed feature ]
    [ - Bug fixed ]
    [ ? Known issue ]
    [ X Major change to existing feature]

    v1.0 build 1025 - November 30th 2006

    + Ultimate only: added a new plugin to freely customize the desktop shortcut overlay icons
    + Premium and Ultimate only: added 6 internet communication setting and restriction tweaks
    + Premium and Ultimate only: added a new 'Attachment security' tweak and settings section to the 'Internet tweaks' plugin
    + Added a tweak to the 'Desktop tweaks' plugin to control the Desktop version info display on Vista RTM
    + Added three 'Windows Movie Maker' restriction tweaks to the 'Miscellaneous Tweaks II' plugin
    + Added a feature to create BCD backups and to restore BCD backup data (Utilities plugin)
    + Added a new option to the main application's 'Settings' section to check for updates automatically on startup

    - Fixing a bug in the 'Desktop tweaks' plugin and in the main application where a wrong translation was loaded for one option
    - Fixing a display bug in the main application where some text items mixed up with other items under certain circumstances
    - Added some missing translations in the main application

    * The 'Remove shortcut arrow' feature of the 'Desktop tweaks' plugin was working, but damaged some 'Games' shortcuts in the startmenu. We have recoded the whole feature and now the shortcut arrows can be removed without loosing the 'Games' shortcut functionality
    * Added support for the new tweaks to the main application's backup and restore feature
    * Even more code optimization for better performance of the main application
    * Removed some dead debugging code from the main application
    * Some new icons added to the 'Desktop tweaks' plugin
    * Some changes to the new folder tools plugin (Ultimate only)
    * Some changes to the online update feature
    * Some changes to the 'Internet tweaks' plugin
    * Some changes to the setup related to DEP settings (subscriber editions only)
    * Some cosmetical changes to the main application
    * Updated language files
    * Updated help file

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TweakVI 1.0 Build 1025 - Software

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