Where is the setting in Outlook new to extend every e-mail account by default?

Diskutiere und helfe bei Where is the setting in Outlook new to extend every e-mail account by default? im Bereich Outlook.com im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; This feature was present in Outlook classic, extending every single folder again is a pain Dieses Thema im Forum "Outlook.com" wurde erstellt von Lars Gx, 23. Mai 2024.

  1. Lars Gx
    Lars Gx Gast

    Where is the setting in Outlook new to extend every e-mail account by default?

    This feature was present in Outlook classic, extending every single folder again is a pain
  2. Teresa L.Anderson Win User

    Mailadresse Microsoftkonto

    Try the following to add a new email account

    Open the Mail application by clicking on the Windows Start menu and choose Mail.

    If this is the first time you open the Mail application, you will see a main page where you select Add Account to get started. On the other hand, if you've used the Mail application before, at the bottom of the left navigation panel, select Settings and then
    choose Manage Accounts.

    Select Add account.

    Choose the type of account you want to add.

    Enter the necessary information and click Login.

    Click Done. The data will begin synchronizing as soon as your account is set up.

    Also in step two you can scroll to the last option and use the one that indicates Add account with advanced settings. And add the necessary information.

    After you add your account you will be able to do the following

    Change the default email account select file account settings and then account settings.

    In the list of accounts on the email tab, select the account you want to use as your default account, select set as default and proceed to close it.

    You can also always use the default e-mail account to send new e-mails and receive them by following these steps.

    Select (the options for) then select (the archive) and finally (the mail).

    When sending messages, check the box always use the default account when composing new messages.

    Select OK and you will have this account as your default.
  3. Christian Göller Win User

    Outlook 2010 Briefumschlagsymbol

    der Artikel hilft leider nicht, weil ich ja gerade meine Mails per Regel verschiebe und diese nicht in er Inbox landen.

    er hilft insofern, dass du nun weißt, dass dies ein normales Verhalten von Outlook ist... ;)

    "Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010
    The envelope will show for messages that are delivered to the default Inbox for each account. When a message is caught by the Junk E-mail filter or moved by a rule, the envelope icon is not shown. The icon is also not shown for additional mailboxes
    which have been configured from a single Exchange account."

    Du müsstest daher auf eine Notlösung wie der von Mario empfohlenen zurückgreifen.
  4. Diane Poremsky MVP Win User


    Sorry about the translation. I forgot to disable it before.

    There are utilities that will sync google calendars with Outlook - companionlink or gsyncit are two popular ones.


    Before the trouble regarding e-mails I had 3 calendars in outlook now it is only one.


    Were you using IMAP before? Without seeing your Outlook, its hard to say what might have happened.


    Are the manual saved PST and by the windows backup tool saved file useless?


    No. They can be opened in Outlook.


    Where are calendar and contacts located in Outlook?


    They are in the default data file. If you have an IMAP account and the data file is set as default, the calendar & contacts are in folders name "Calendar (this computer only" and "contacts (this computer only)".


    Can I access the OST file, how? There is one OST file for each mail account.


    OST files can only be opened by the account and profile that created it. So backups can be restored *if* if the account that created it is still in your profile. Otherwise, you need to use use a 3rd party utility to get data out of the ost file.

    Generally speaking, there is nothing in the ost you would need, since it is a copy of what is on the mail server. But if its an IMAP data file, you might have calendar & contacts in it - those do not sync to the server.
  5. MichaelRanftelhuber Win User

    outlook always says send on behalf

    Hi everyone,

    I figured it out.

    The problem was not related to outlook, but to googlemail. Got to:

    Settings -> Accounts -> "Send as" (section)

    There you can set e-mail addresses other than the account e-mail address as default e-mail address. This was the case for me, which resulted in the described "on behalf of" instead of "as" problems.


  6. Neithan22 Win User

    Berechtigungsproblem bei Senden in Outlook 2019 über Gmail

    Hello Diane,

    and thank you for your valuable insight that there is no such functionality. That saves me further hours trying in vain.

    I appreciate your link and it was helpful to a certain degree even though it is quite old and things look and work different in Outlook 2019. The first problem I encountered was that Outlook wouldn't set up the new account when I entered a wrong incoming
    server. I chose IMAP btw. but that shouldn't make a difference, right? When I entered the correct server it downloaded all emails from my Gmail account which I don't want it to do. So I repeated the process but this time I put Outlook in offline mode prior
    to setting up the new account. Before reactivating online mode, I deactivated receiving mail items in the send-receive-group setting as described on your webpage. That seemed to work in the beginning but once I pressed the send/receive all folders button it
    ignored the setting and started downloading my inbox again. I wonder if that is a bug or intentional. To prevent me from accidentally doing this in the future, I went into the server settings and changed the incoming server address as described in your article.
    One has to deselect the "automatically test settings" field to complete the process. If you want to keep a copy of sent emails in your sent box, on the POP- and IMAP account settings where you enter all the server addresses you need to go to advanced settings,
    hit the advanced tab and uncheck "Don't keep a copy of sent elements". My Outlook is in German so please forgive me if the wording isn't a 100% match. It seems to work ok for now even though I find it strange that I get frequent error messages now that Outlook
    couldn't check the Gmail inbox for new mail. It seems as if unchecking the button "receive mail items" doesn't do anything and Outlook still tries to call the inbox.

    I guess I could just ignore that but there is one more thing: When I receive a forwarded message from Gmail in my Outlook inbox and I click reply it will do so using my outlook email account. I have to manually change the "From:" address to my Gmail even
    though Outlook recognizes Gmail as the receiving account. Shouldn't Outlook choose the original recipient address as the reply address?

    Thanks in advance!

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Where is the setting in Outlook new to extend every e-mail account by default? - Outlook.com

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