Where to get VBE7.pdp files from?

Diskutiere und helfe bei Where to get VBE7.pdp files from? im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hello, We get crash dumps from our application Engineering Base where the stack cannot be resolved. Some of our costumers are using the VBA-IDE to... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von Oliver Heine, 30. November 2023.

  1. Where to get VBE7.pdp files from?

    Hello, We get crash dumps from our application Engineering Base where the stack cannot be resolved. Some of our costumers are using the VBA-IDE to automate our software. In crash situations we will report mini dumps to our development team but we cannot resolve the stack. Visual Studio breaks stack resolving at following line: > VBE7.DLL!62edfa31 Unknown [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for VBE7.DLL] [External Code] So it is not possible for us to analyze mini dump files.Question:Where to get VBE7.pdp files from?
  2. Islandhopper-and-bac Win User

    farbige kategorien in kontakten zu anderem pc transferrieren

    Dear Brian!

    Thank you for your support. Regretfully, I am not able to open the above link. Secondly, I am a typical user, which means, I know where to find the on/off button of the laptop :) If you tell me to shift PST file from where to where??? is not really easy for me to follow. Also, I doubt that the categories IN my contacts which shall be IN the PST file are then fully available (including name of category and appropriate colour).

    If you have an idea to help me out of the dilemma, I appreciate your kind assistance.

    Best regards
  3. V. Arya Win User

    Open .one file in OneNote with Microsoft 365 subscription?


    I am , Independent Advisor, to work with you on this issue. You should create a new notebook in Onenote online and copy the sections there from these .one files (on a Windows computer). Then you can access these onenotes from your Mac also


    if I could - instead of installing Win 10 and OneNote 2016 - just subscribe to Microsoft 365 to get access to my old OneNote files on my MAC? - This won't work.
  4. RichardUrbanczik Win User

    a file disappears from power-point, where to look

    Hallo Thoimas,

    besten Dank für diesen Hinweis, werde ich auch tun. Nur, in diesem speziellen Fall, hab ich es getan und die Datei verschwand sowl als auch, also HD und stick. Es blieb lediglich der Name der Datei, wieder sowohl als auch, aber wenn ich es anklicke kommt
    nur leere Seite raus und nichts mehr (sowohl als auch)



    PS: Da ich ziemlich alt bin und sehr grosser "Kenner" der Arbeit mit PC, dachte ich sogar, ich hätte die Datei unabsichtlich gelöscht; da aber wieder sowohl als auch verschwand und nur die Namen geblieben sind, glaube ich an diese Hypothese eigentlich nicht.
  5. Thomas Wüsthoff Win User

    a file disappears from power-point, where to look

    Hallo Richard,

    diese Datei scheint verloren gegangen zu sein. Wenn eine Datei währen des laufenden Betriebs verschwindet, scheint es ein Problem mit dem Speichermedium zu geben.

    Für die Zukunft solltest du wichtige Dateien nie auf einem Wechseldatenträger bearbeiten, sondern immer eine Kopie lokal speichern und an dieser arbeiten.

    Auch empfiehlt es sich, von jeder wichtigen Datei mehrere Sicherungskopien zu erstellen und auf mehreren Datenträgern abzulegen.


  6. DHawkeye80 Win User

    Office 365 / Excel for Mac: performance issue, process "diskarbitrationd"

    I've experienced the lag issue, where diskarbitrationd kicks in and causes a pause each time - very frustrating.

    A few observations...

    1) It happens when I booted up offline.

    2) I thought it only happened when I work on files from the one drive local sync folder. I decided to save the file to my desktop, close excel, reopen excel and edit the desktop file instead. This seemed to get things back on track however the lag issue
    came back when I accessed the desktop file again the next day (from a fresh reboot). The location of the current file doesn't appear to be the cause. I'm of the opinion that you need to launch Excel, get past the subscription check, close Excel and then
    reload it in order for it to work without kicking in diskarbitrationd.

    3) I haven't concluded whether this is a factor or not, but I also choose to exit the one drive auto load auto sync feature. The icon shows that it's looking for an Internet connection and I didn't know if this was causing diskarbitrationd to kick in. I
    close the auto sync in the menu bar just in case.

    Here are the steps I follow just to get excel to play nicely...

    1) boot the machine

    2) close one drive auto load auto refresh

    3) load excel

    4) skip the subscription check

    5) close excel

    6) open excel with the file I want to work on
  7. User Advert


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Where to get VBE7.pdp files from? - Microsoft Office

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