Which Windows operating system is best suited for my application?

Diskutiere und helfe bei Which Windows operating system is best suited for my application? im Bereich Games und Spiele im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; I need help with the question which Windows operating system is best suited for my application. My application:I‘m running a telescope in a remote... Dieses Thema im Forum "Games und Spiele" wurde erstellt von Christof_R, 25. Mai 2024.

  1. Christof_R
    Christof_R Gast

    Which Windows operating system is best suited for my application?

    I need help with the question which Windows operating system is best suited for my application. My application:I‘m running a telescope in a remote observatory.The PC has limited compute power and limited internet bandwidth, therefore I want to avoid any loss of performance by processes I don‘t need at all.The OS needs to have:- the regular graphical UI as it has to run a regular Windows 64Bit imaging applications with a graphical user interface, a few observatory control and support applications and some Powershell Skripts.- remote desktop support.- regular Windows security mechanisms like ant
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Which Windows operating system is best suited for my application? - Games und Spiele

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Which Windows operating system is best suited for my application?

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Which Windows operating system is best suited for my application? solved
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